
Graduation Ceremony

June 9th

We will be honoring our New Graduates this year SUNDAY June 9th Ceremony @ 1PM

TCMC Mississippi Service Trip Fundraising Day

June 2nd

Snacks, Dessert and Drinks
Face Painting
Bike Fixing and more!
June 2nd 2 – 4pm

第十六届 复活节寻蛋活动

March 29th

欢迎来参加我们一年一度的寻蛋活动! 免费煎饼早餐回来了! ! ! 欢迎所有有小孩的家庭前来! 日期:3 月 29 日星期五,上午 10 点 -11:30。(慷慨捐赠:如果可以,请带一个或更多的罐头食品!)


January 1st

我们有一个免费的小图书馆,可以在社区中分享不易腐烂的食品、书籍、卫生用品!欢迎大家捐赠。若需要更多资料请联系 christen.kong@tcmc-communitychurch.com